Improve statistics
in progress
Christian Krüger
Some more suggestions:
Movie, TV shows, Episode added/watched by month.
Movie/ TV shows by sub genre
Top 10 or 20 directors, writers, actors, actress
TV shows by no of seasons, no of episodes per season
TV shows by show type (scripted, mini, limited etc)
Movie/TV show by language
Total revenue of movie watched
Chris Krueger
in progress
Bonz Nunya
Chris Krueger does this mean "Improve Statistics" is going live soon? Or has it already?
Dimitar Nonkov
Chris Krueger Eagerly waiting for this development. I could suggest also to expand the top 20 actors to top 100. It will be more beneficial.
Also can we vote for an actor in the movie or tv show/episode we have watched? This way we can have the actors ranking.
Chris Krueger
Need some more planning.
Kemal Zohou
Chris Krueger C'est un peu lent. Moi je n'attend que sa j'ai un abonnement version développeur
Etran grace benedicte Kouame
Comme faire des argument
Etran grace benedicte Kouame
Cours de français
Etran grace benedicte Kouame
oscar de lazzari
Hi, I think that the statistics features could be improved. I am an italian user that was using Moviesfad for 3 years...but they are closing the app in few days.
Their statistics are very complete....I attached here some screens, according the selected period (selected year of watched movie or full period) you can analyze:
- # of movies per genre
- # of movies per actor
-# of movies per director
- a graph per month
- a graph per day /hour of watched movies
it could be also useful # of movies watched per country
let me know if you are going to improve this section
Kemal Zohou
oscar de lazzari: je suis d'accord avec toi
Kemal Zohou
Top 20 acteurs et réalisateurs les plus regardés
Mauro Rodrigues
yes add more:
- genres for example
- some graph that identifies movie habits by day of the week and month.
- where i watched (cinema / piracy / Dvd/bluray / Streaming / imax / other
- top 20 actors / top 20 directors / top 10 production companies
Kemal Zohou
Mauro Rodrigues: je suis d'accord avec toi surtout les acteurs et les réalisateurs
Christina Chris
Added to Stats on the Movie History list: Most Watched Actor, Actress, and Most Watched Director would be a great add.
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