Stoped Watching a Series

Bohdan Antokhov
It would be great to have a feature that allows you to stop tracking (watching) a series. Sometimes, you may decide to stop watching a series, but you don't want to remove it from your viewing history. Having a function like 'Stoped/Dropped Watching' would be helpful to simply remove it from your progress but keep it in the history.
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Chris Krueger

Chris Krueger
in progress

Bonz Nunya
Chris Krueger does this mean "Stopped Watching a Series" is going live soon? Or has it already?

Syed Reyaz
Also It would be nice if those dropped series won't be listed in upcoming episodes section means
Whenever we receive data of upcoming series it will be filtered out for watching tab only

Chris Krueger
Bohdan Antokhov You can hide the TV progress. Isn't it enough?

Bohdan Antokhov
Chris Krueger Probably enough, but I would like to leave the series in history.

Chris Krueger
Bohdan Antokhov So just one option for hiding / stopping progress on this specific page. And disable notification and calendar updates.

Chris Krueger

It's annoying to get updates on series I stopped caring about or don't want to pick up again. Let us choose which series to get updates from in the "upcoming schedule" section, please.

You just have to delete it from your watchlist (bookmark icon)... So you don't get reminder for watching the new episodes and the already watched episodes stay in your viewing history.

Bohdan Antokhov
Skregerson: The series is not in the watchlist and it still remains in the progress tab.
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